Price Comparison

Have you ever calculated the cost of a full Amiga setup to the cost of a full PC setup?
Well, I have done it for you.

  Prices are not yet available but Escom have hinted that they would
  like to sell the Amiga 1200 at around £399, compared to £699 for
  their cheapest, bog-standard PC (Non-sale prices).

Remember that you can run your Amiga through a TV and save buying a monitor to
save even more money.  This is especially true of home users, who may not need a
monitor to play games and Word Process etc., as a monitor, although giving a
clearer display and allowing flicker-free access to all the AGA graphics modes,
is not always necessary.

Also, when you buy an Amiga, you know that it is made and manufactured by a
reputable company.  This is not always true of a PC.  In order to cut costs,
you may go for a less well-known firm, and the computer may not be up to what
you expected.  This is not to say that all PC manufactures are bad, in fact
this would be a gross malignment to say this.  My advice to perspective PC
buyers is always to pay that little bit more and go for a reputable firm
who you know are going to have good after-sales support etc. (and lets face
it, if you buy a new PC you almost always need after-sales support!)

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